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Procedures for Classroom Parties

Important Notice to Parents Regarding New Procedures for Classroom Parties

  • Due to issues with security and the safety of our students, we will be making some changes for classroom parties. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we introduce these new procedures.
  • Class parties will be held from 2:00-2:45.
  • Parents will NOT be allowed in the classrooms before 2:00. An exception will be made for the homeroom mothers who set up for the party. The names of the homeroom mothers will be on a list in the office.
  • School aged children, who are NOT members of the class, are not allowed to attend the class parties. Preschool aged siblings may ONLY attend with prior permission from the classroom teacher.
  • Parents will be asked to leave the building at 2:45 so teachers can get end of the day messages to students, pass out homework assignments, and give end of the day instructions to students.
  • Regular attendance/tardy policies will be in effect if you check your child out early. Students will not be allowed to leave the the classroom with parents. If it is absolutely necessary for your child to check out early, you will need to come to the office to check the student out, using the same procedures we would follow on a regular day.
  • The office staff will call the child out of class after it has been determined that you are on the student's pick up list. Every adult must have a photo ID available. The office will issue a Visitor's Pass to EVERY person that enters the building.

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